Tuesday, August 31, 2010

underwater archeology in fresh water

from Lake Michigan's cold clear water, the Walter B. Allen project:

Thursday, August 19, 2010

six anthropologists in profile -what do they do?

Meet six Smithsonian anthropologists and learn what inspired them to go into the field and why they love what they do...
--cf. the webpage, Careers in Anthropology, http://www.aaanet.org/profdev/careers/
additional information on careers in anthropology:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

archeology on land and water

research essay from The Museum of Underwater Archeology (August 2010): Great Lakes, USA.

child anthropologist observes USA life

People play on computers.
People grill on a grill.

People read books.
People talk to people.
People write on paper.
People write and read papers.
People read magazines.
People lay on couches.
People can talk and see.
People can be a boy or a girl.
People have flowers.
People have houses.
People love people.
People have lives.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

9000 BCE home in Britain


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

2010 anthro-day (London, July; Wales, September)

Diary for August 2010

Monday 30th August- Booking Ahead for Wales Anthropology Day

Many of you who were not able to come to this year's London Anthropology Day will be happy to know that there is a sister event happening on the 16th of September in Wales. Every year the University of Wales Lampeter organises a free university taster day of anthropological workshops and films aimed at Year 12, 13, FE students and teachers. To find out more and book your free place visit this website.

London Anthropology Day 2010 Photos now Online!

The London Anthropology Day 2010 is a university taster day for Year 12,13 and FE students, career advisors and teachers. Organised by the Royal Anthropological Institute's Education Programme in collaboration with the British Museum and participating universities the event was held on 8th July. This year's event included 18 universities from England, Ireland and Wales and over 350 participants making it the largest London Anthropology Day to date. Take a look at the this year's photos along with other anthropological events on this website.