from Lake Michigan's cold clear water, the Walter B. Allen project: Thursday, August 19, 2010six anthropologists in profile -what do they do?Meet six Smithsonian anthropologists and learn what inspired them to go into the field and why they love what they do... --cf. the webpage, Careers in Anthropology, additional information on careers in anthropology:
Wednesday, August 18, 2010archeology on land and water
research essay from The Museum of Underwater Archeology (August 2010): Great Lakes, USA. child anthropologist observes USA lifeshort blog item, People play on computers.
People grill on a grill. People read books. People talk to people. People write on paper. People write and read papers. People read magazines. People lay on couches. People can talk and see. People can be a boy or a girl. People have flowers. People have houses. People love people. People have lives. Thursday, August 12, 2010Wednesday, August 4, 20102010 anthro-day (London, July; Wales, September)