Sunday, June 30, 2019

online textbook, Biological Anthropology (lab)

via the message board of the American Anthropological Association on 30 June 2019,

...LibreTexts just harvested Alex A. G. Taub's Biological Anthropology Laboratory Activities, a free Open Educational Resource (OER). Labs include: Identifying Bones, Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, Primates, Bone Injuries, Early, Middle, and Recent Hominid Cranium Comparison Checklists.

The LibreTexts platform makes it easier to customize.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

overview - Britain's Bronze-Age "Pompeii" excavated, first synthesis of the pieces

[copied from Facebook page of Must Farm Archaeology 13 June 2019]

We are excited to share our first formal article on the Must Farm pile-dwelling settlement! The piece, published in Antiquity, is Open Access and completely free to download. We wanted to provide an overview of the site, incorporate information emerging from post-excavation and share our current interpretations of the archaeology.
     We discuss the background to the latest excavations, describe some of the material recovered and detail the evidence that suggests the settlement had a short lifespan before its destruction in a large fire.
     In the coming days we'll also share a new Post-Excavation Diary where we discuss the future of the post-excavation and the next stages in the publication process.